We are Wind Farm Site Investigation specialists. The Land Consultancy Limited has successfully completed 18no. wind farm site investigations on behalf of Innogy Renewables UK Limited. You can read about some of these projects by visiting the case studies link. These projects are:
- Mynydd y Gwair Wind Farm, Nr. Swansea (16no. turbine site) – Autumn 2016
- Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm, Carmarthenshire (28no. turbine site) – Spring 2015
- Goole Fields 2 Wind Farm (16no. turbine site) – Winter 2014
- Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm, Devon (9no. turbine site) – Autumn 2014
- Burn of Whilk Wind Farm, Nr. Wick (9no. turbine site) – Winter 2012/2013
- Hameldon Hill Wind Farm Extension (3 turbines) Autumn 2011 & Summer 2012
- Hampole Wind Farm Extension (4 turbine site) – Winter/Spring 2011
- Earls Hall Wind Farm, Nr Clacton-on-Sea, Essex (5 turbine site) – Summer 2010
- Middleton Wind Farm, East Renfrewshire (6 turbine site) – Winter/Spring 2010
- Novar Wind Farm Extension, Nr Inverness (16 turbine site) – Winter 2009/2010
- Hellrigg Wind Farm, Nr Silloth, Cumbria (4 turbine site) – Summer 2009
- Middlemoor Wind Farm (18 turbine site), just off the A1 8km North of Alnwick, Northumberland – Winter 2008/2009
- Lochelbank Wind Farm, Nr Perth (12 turbine site) – Summer 2008
- Lindhurst Wind Farm, Nr Mansfield (5 turbine site) – Summer 2008
- Goole Fields Wind Farm (16 turbine site) – Spring/Summer 2008
- Bilbster Wind Farm, Nr Wick (3 turbine site) – Spring 2006
- Knab's Ridge Wind Farm, Nr. Harrogate (8 turbine site) – Winter 2005/Spring 2006
- New Barn Wind Farm, Hameldon Hill, Nr Burnley (3 turbine site) – Autumn 2005
The Land Consultancy Limited has also completed wind farm site investigation commissions for West Coast Energy, ADAS (UK) Limited and Energiekontor.
Activities Common to all of the Wind Farm Site Investigations Completed by The Land Consultancy Limited
Prior to each wind farm job starting we have had to submit detailed method statements and risk assessments for the works to be undertaken. This includes making sure that all of the subcontractors used to carry out the site investigation works have appropriate qualifications, licences and are sufficiently experienced to undertake the works that they will be doing. Information on the location of buried services (including pipelines) is obtained before any site works are undertaken.
A site visit has also been undertaken to meet the landowner ((s) – there were 7no. landowners to contend with at Goole Fields!) together a representative from RWE Npower to explain in detail the site investigation works which will be undertaken, to confirm access routes to the points of investigation, and so that any concerns of the landowner can be taken into account.
As principal contractor, a Construction Phase Plan is completed prior to the start of the site investigation works. This is updated if necessary during the course of the site investigation works.
All subcontractors attending site for the first time are given a Heath and Safety briefing and are made to sign a form to prove that they have received and understood the induction. Welfare facilities are provided and all fuel/oils brought onto site are stored in a lockable sealed covered container.
As wheel rutting caused by vehicle movements is often an issue on many wind farm sites, site investigation equipment is used which will keep site damage to a minimum. This generally involves the use of track or sledge mounted equipment where possible/if necessary.
At the end of the site investigation works each landowner is invited to walk over the site where investigations have taken place to ensure that they are satisfied with how the site will be left.
Although great efforts are made to avoid buried services, land drains are often encountered and damaged during site investigation works over fields. Minor water pipes which feed cattle troughs are also rarely damaged. Any drains (or other services) which are damaged during the site investigation works would be repaired immediately at The TLC’s expense.
We would like you to note that all of the above contracts have been completed on time and to a high standard. Some of the civils contractors who have tendered for the wind farm development works have commented to RWE Npower on the quality of the reports that TLC has produced.
There have been no serious health and safety incidents during any of the site works that TLC has been completed since trading began in 2005. TLC became CHAS accredited in January 2011.